Your financial life revolves around a secret number called a credit score. Knowing what this score is will help you in many ways. You can buy a house. You can get a car loan. You can rent an apartment or condo. Staying on top of your credit is essential in these uncertain economic times. A bad score will affect you in more ways than one. It’s easier to monitor your credit score range than to be a victim of bad credit.
There are some companies that advertise a no charge credit report and score online. Some of these companies are not linked to the financial industry. The database that you can access here is financially linked. Experian credit scores are the preferred scores for home mortgages, car loans and other financial applications. Get access right now and start monitoring your personal credit rating.
What is a Good Credit Score
Most financial analysts agree that a score of 680 or more shows a good credit repayment history. A person who had a 640 or more just 5 years ago could have received a decent interest rate. The credit crisis has changed the credit score picture. Some companies are now using two different scores. The first is a standard FICO score. This is calculated through companies like Experian. A new type of score is called a Vantage score. This is now used for lines of credit, home loans and other types of unsecured financing.
This score is often much different when viewed online. This score takes into account the scores tabulated by all credit reporting agencies. Getting access to your entire credit picture could help you plan your future. Not all people have access to review a Vantage score. The best credit report and score websites offer access to multiple score types. Whether you get a free score or a $1.00 trial period, monitoring your personal score for accuracy is a must in this decade.
How Bad Credit Lingers for 10 Years or More
Many couples who are purchasing a first home seek FHA mortgage loans. This entry-level loan application uses Experian as one of the providers of credit report information. Many FHA lenders require a score of 620 or higher before a mortgage application is considered. You can start by monitoring your current credit report information to get access to things that could be lowering your score.
The advantage credit score that you can access here will inform you of you current creditworthiness. You can get a lower car insurance rate by having a better score. The interest rates on any loan type will always be lower with a higher credit score. It doesn’t cost you a lot of money to begin monitoring your personal credit report. Get access to a no charge lookup today and monitor your credit profile securely online.